Monthly Archives: January 2015

Marissa Meyer’s Fairest Launch Party

fairestMarissa Meyer had a book launch party today to release Fairest, book 3.5 in The Lunar Chronicles. This was kind of a big event in my household. First, because I have three daughters who enjoy the books. Second, because I love book launches and I also love to support local authors. I only bought one book though and the two oldest had to flip a coin to see who got to read it first (ha ha!). My four year old was indifferent. All she cared about was making a blue rubber crown with plastic jewels at the craft table.

Even though we couldn’t stay for the whole thing–we had to leave partway through her author talk. I had dinner reservations for my niece’s birthday, couldn’t be helped– we did get to walk around and look at the events going on. Meyer loves kids and it shows because this party was made with her young adult audience in mind. That is, by my own people watching gauge, mostly girls between the ages of 10-16. Besides the craft table that I mentioned, there was also an airbrush face painting table; a photo op station with a story book mirror frame that people could step in and take pictures; and a station where kids could be interviewed (I was never sure by whom) about how much they love the books. We didn’t do that. There was also a table of refreshments like cookies and brownies, but it was under wraps and guarded by someone until a designated time I didn’t stick around to discover.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to meet her this time. Maybe next time. Fortunately, the book I prepaid for was pre-signed.

Marissa Meyer at downtown Tacoma Public Library for book launch.

Marissa Meyer at downtown Tacoma Public Library for book launch.

If you’re interested in ordering Fairest, a prequel/reimagining about the evil queen of Snow White queen, I think Tacoma’s King Books, one of the last independent book stores still standing, can hook you up. Or you can head over to Marissa  Meyer’s website.

-AV Packard

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